Wednesday, January 30, 2008


What's his name? Michael Ted Curtis
How long have you been married? 5 1/2 yrs
How long did you date? We didn't really date . . . I flew to AZ to meet him in December of 2001, he came to UT to see me over New Years, he proposed the next time we saw each other in February in AZ, we got married in July! I don't feel like we every really dated!
How old is he? 27
Who eats more? We take turns eating a lot!
Who said I love you first? I don't remember . . . I'm sure it was over the phone whenever it happened though.
Who is taller? Mike
Who is smarter? Mike
Who does laundry? me
Who does the dishes? Me - I usually load the dishwasher!
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Me
Who pays the bills? Me
Who mows the lawn? We both did, then we sold our house, and now live in a townhouse, so we don't have to mow right now!
Who cooks dinner? Me - Mikes usually not around till later
Who drives when you are together? Mike usually - I have to be able to take care of the kids!
Who is more stubborn? We are both stubborn, but about different things
Who kissed who first? Mike kissed me right when we met at the Phoenix airport . . . he had flowers for me, and when we met I got a hug and kiss!
Who asked out who first? Mike asked me to come to AZ first- so him!
Who proposed? Mike - he picked out the ring all by himself and when I went to visit and to see him for only the 3rd time he proposed! I guess he didn't want to lose me!!!!
Who has more siblings? Mike has 3, I have 2
Who wears the pants in the family? Mike - when all is said and done, he usually gets his way!
I TAG... Jenn Hadfield


The Perkins Family said...

I never told you were my parents moved to in AZ. They moved to Queens Creek. My mom goes in and works at the Wells Fargo Bank in Mesa and my dad works for the mine in Globe. What part did you live in?

Chelsee Joy said...

We didn't date for very long either...he sounds like a great guy and you look so happy

Trevor and Amy said...


I love checking your blog! This is such a fun way to keep updated! I need to be better at checking my comments. Sorry I just saw that you tagged me. Maybe I'll get to it soon. Keep up the good work! Your blog is dang cute!